Monday, November 28, 2011

Skin Cancer War Gets New Weapon

Skin cancer is not only the most common cancer; it outnumbers all other cancers ‘combined’ notes Dr. Tim Rosio. A new drug is shown to shrink skin cancer. This drug is very effective on patients with basal cell carcinoma (BCC). “Roche’s vismodegib shrank tumors or healed lesions in 43% of clinical trial participants with locally advanced basal cell carcinoma and 30% of those with another advanced form of BCC,” reported Reuters. Most of the time, skillful dermatologic excision with or without MOHS Surgery, and meticulous cosmetic dermatologic closure gives great results and cures the skin cancer.  Occasionally, however, I see in my patients and others have very advanced skin cancers, numerous cancers, or both,” says the skin cancer specialist. That’s when this medication may make a huge difference.  Skin cancer can be detected and prevented with annual skin cancer screenings. Come in today to get your yearly screening to make sure you’re free and clear of any form of skin cancer. Dr. Tim Rosio is a board certified Stanford trained Dermatologist with offices in El Dorado Hills and Auburn. To find out more information on skin cancer screenings, take a look at our youtube videos and read more articles on our blog.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We want to say thank you to all of our patients. Our goal is to help our patients with their skin. We are dedicated to educating our patients and making their skin look and feel better. We wish everyone a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving from the Dr. Rosio and the staff at AnewSkin Dermatology.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Food as Medicine

Proper nutrition is a very important in maintaining a healthy body. Recently, there have been some new discoveries of beneficial effects food has on your health and your body when fighting off disease. “Anatabloc, an extract from foods such as peppers, green tomatoes, and tobacco leaf, has proven to have beneficial effects in animal models with Alzheimer’s and thyroid disorders,” reports the UK Daily Mail. Board certified Dermatologist Dr. Tim Rosio says that “I like to educate my patients on the benefits that certain foods have on our bodies. This is just another great example of how eating well can improve your health and help ward of diseases.” Psoriasis is a skin problem where there is an overgrowth of skin cells in certain areas, like the elbows, that become hard and rough. An anti-inflammatory diet has been shown to help reduce inflammation. Vegetables, fruit, oily fish, cinnamon and turmeric all have anti-inflammatory properties. Dr. Rosio, who has offices in El Dorado Hills and Auburn, treats several patients that suffer from psoriasis. “Reducing the inflammation in the skin is the first step on the road to recovery,” says Dr. Rosio. Eating fish and/or fish supplements is a great way to start reducing the inflammation and healing from Psoriasis.